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Postula al programa AU PAIR USA 2024 y viaja a Estados Unidos viviendo con la mejor familia de tu vida.
Registrate y envianos un mensaje por esta página. Tenemos oportunidades 
increíbles .

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American culture :)

It is a Cultural Exchange program aimed at students who are studying full time at universities and colleges around the world, with the purpose that they can have a temporary, legal and paid work experience in the USA during their summer vacations (December to March) for a maximum period of 4 months plus 30 additional days (optional) so that they can travel and do tourism, as long as this time does not interfere with their studies.

Kids in the Museum

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American culture :)

It is a Cultural Exchange program aimed at students who are studying full time at universities and colleges around the world, with the purpose that they can have a temporary, legal and paid work experience in the USA during their summer vacations (December to March) for a maximum period of 4 months plus 30 additional days (optional) so that they can travel and do tourism, as long as this time does not interfere with their studies.

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American culture :)

Get up close

American culture :)

It is a Cultural Exchange program aimed at students who are studying full time at universities and colleges around the world, with the purpose that they can have a temporary, legal and paid work experience in the USA during their summer vacations (December to March) for a maximum period of 4 months plus 30 additional days (optional) so that they can travel and do tourism, as long as this time does not interfere with their studies.

Mother with her Two Kids

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American culture :)

It is a Cultural Exchange program aimed at students who are studying full time at universities and colleges around the world, with the purpose that they can have a temporary, legal and paid work experience in the USA during their summer vacations (December to March) for a maximum period of 4 months plus 30 additional days (optional) so that they can travel and do tourism, as long as this time does not interfere with their studies.

Sigue estos pasos para postular al programa  AU PAIR USA

Para inscribirte al programa de AU PAIRUSA es necesario que sigas estrictamente el orden de estos pasos y no tengas ningún inconveniente en tu proceso


Al ser miembro, tendrás acceso a un menú solo para miembros...



Completa los datos de tu perfil. Llena los documentos solicitados y aguarda la resolución...



Luego de ser aceptado como miembro reserva la charla para Au PairUSA......



Selecciona un destino y pasa la entrevista con el empleador...



Abona $100 USD y realiza primero el examen de inglés y luego reserva una entrevista con nuestros evaluadores, 


Da tu cita en embajada llevando los documentos que nosotros te propocionaremos


Realiza el pago de la primera cuota o pago total del programa para dar inicio a tu proceso.



Vive el mejor viaje de tu vida desde el día 1. Viajar es el mejor regalo que te puedes/pueden hacer...

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