Postula al programa AU PAIR USA 2024 y viaja a Estados Unidos viviendo con la mejor familia de tu vida.
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Au Pair USA
Through the Au Pair program, participants and host families participate in a mutually rewarding intercultural opportunity.
Participants can continue their education while experiencing everyday life with an American family, and hosts receive reliable, responsible child care from people who become part of the family.
An Au Pair must be proficient in spoken English; High school graduate or equivalent; and Between 18 and 26 years old. Able to fully participate in the program, as evidenced by satisfactory completion of a physical examination.
The CANDIDATE or CANDIDATE for the Au Pair program will be interviewed personally, in English, by a representative of our organization who will prepare a report of the interview that will be delivered to the host family; and succeed in passing a background investigation that includes school verification, three non-family related personal and employment references, a criminal background check or its recognized equivalent, and a personality profile. Said personality profile will be based on a psychometric test designed to measure differences in characteristics between applicants against those characteristics considered most important to successfully participate in the au pair program.

Host Family Stay:
Live with a family for 12 months, with the option to extend 6, 9 or 12 more months.
Professional Training:
Receive a minimum of 32 hours of child care training before starting.
Child Care Experience:
Provide up to 10 hours per day/45 hours per week of child care.
School Credit:
Complete at least six hours of academic credit or equivalent in formal educational settings at an accredited U.S. postsecondary educational institution.
Financial Value:
Receive up to $500 to cover the cost of required academic coursework. Room and board plus compensation for childcare work.
Limitations / Exceptions
for Au Pair work
Au Pairs cannot be placed: With a family that has a baby under three months old, unless a parent or other responsible adult is home; In households with children under two years of age, unless the Au Pair has at least 200 hours of documented experience caring for babies; In families with children with special needs, as identified by the family, unless the au pair has identified prior experience, skills or training in caring for children with special needs and the host family has reviewed and acknowledged the au pair's experience pair. prior written experience, skills or training; and In relatives' homes.

EduCare – Cuidado de niños antes y después de la escuela
EduCare applies to families requiring before and after school childcare. EduCare Au Pairs cannot be placed with families who have preschool-age children, unless other full-time childcare arrangements have been made. The EduCare Au Pair may not work more than 10 hours per day and a maximum of 30 hours per week. Au Pairs participating in the EduCare component receive 75 percent of the weekly rate paid to non-Education participants. EduCare Au Pairs must complete a minimum of 12 academic credit hours or equivalent during the program year. The host family must provide (up to) the first $1,000 to cover the cost of the academic course required by the Au Pair.
Follow these steps to apply for the AU PAIR USA program
To enroll in the AU PAIRUSA program, you must strictly follow the order of these steps and not have any inconvenience in your process.
By being a member, you will have access to a members-only menu..
Complete your profile information. Fill out the requested documents and wait for the resolution...
After being accepted as a member, book the MEETING for Au Pair USA to know more.
Select a destination and pass the interview with the Host Family
Pay $100 USD and take the English exam first and then book an interview with our evaluators,
Make your appointment at the embassy bringing the documents that we will provide you
Make the payment of the first installment or full payment of the program to start your process.
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